
Board game Code Names

I wonder what is more difficult for a secret agent to do: to find out secret information or to make sure that it reaches the right ears. Let’s find out. You can hear details that are not intended for you, if you happen to be in the right place: she whispered, he passed it on, the third one drank too much, and you get a picture of the situation.

And now how to tell about it “their” that no one, God forbid, do not suspect you and certainly – not declassified. Codenames board game will show you how you can use unrelated words to transmit important information.

How to guess Codenames?
Before you start the game, shuffle your decks and randomly lay out a field of twenty-five cards on the table in a 5×5 square. If you wish or by lot, divide into two teams and choose a captain. Both captains, aka signalers, should sit on one side of the table and their teams on the other.

In front of the captains will be opened a map “key”, which shows where the agents of each team are, where the simple civilians are and where the Codenames and components of the killer game are. The “key” map indicates which team will go first, red or blue. The task of the captains in the board game Codenames is to give their team a clue in one word so that they can guess which code word their agent is hiding under. For example, the clue “key” may well lead participants to the code name “lock. In addition to the word, the captain should name a number if several code names fall under the same clue. For example, the clue “river 2” will direct to the code names “stream” and “flow. If players understand their captain’s hint and find the client correctly, they leave a card of their color on the code name and search further. A total of one more attempts can be made than the number named by the captain.

Once the members of the first team have exhausted the number of moves or run into a civilian, the right to move passes to the opposing team. If the players misunderstand the captain and run into an assassin, the game ends with their loss. Naturally, participants can consult with each other, make suggestions and come to the same decision together, but the captain has no right to participate in the discussion. In the game Codenames the first team to find all its agents hiding behind the codenames will win.

Codenames is a real phenomenon: for the first time ever a party game was warmly welcomed by true geeks and fun-loving gamers alike. Code Names is simple and versatile. You’ll have time to set the field, read a couple of pages of rules and play your first game before you’ve finished your first cup of tea. It is suitable for noisy evenings with friends and quiet family gatherings. The game trains memory, develops imagination, and helps you get a better feel for your native language.