
The word game – “Difficult words”

The game “There’s a Contact!” – is a great way to have fun and keep your guests occupied. The number of players is unlimited, the minimum number of participants is three. The leader has to think of an interesting word, and the participants only have to sound out the initial letter of the word.

For example, the leader came up with the word “transformer. And all participants say: “T”. All players need to choose words that begin with the letter “T”. The first participant explains to the others what he riddled. For example, a person came up with the word “tiger”, which can be explained with gestures and words: “it has a mustache”, “it is a large animal”, “it has stripes”.

If one of the participants guesses it, he or she must say, “There’s contact!”, both players start counting to ten and then say each of their words at the same time. If the words coincide (“count to 10 – tiger!”), the presenter reveals another letter, now you have to explain words with two letters, “tr” already (then by “tra”, “trans” and so on). If your words don’t match (“count to 10 – tiger / seal”), you have to make up and explain new words. If the presenter understands what the player is explaining, he may say, “No, that’s not a tiger.” Then the players need to explain in some other way or make up the next word.

If the team wins, the leader is the one who was the first to say the main word. But if the participants still can’t guess it, the previous presenter stays and comes up with another word.

Try to play, you’ll very quickly understand the rules and this game will become an integral part of your holidays and meetings with friends and family.

Rules of the game
The leader guesses a word, names its first letter (a word must be a plural noun in singular, nominative case). in the nominative case). During the round of guessing the word all definitions must refer to words beginning with the specified letter (or, subsequently, the specified sequence of letters).

The participants ask the presenter the definition questions . The presenter must come up with a word that fits the definition and answer, “no, it’s not … (indicates the term implied by the participant)”, or, if the definition unambiguously describes the puzzled word, “yes, it is (the puzzled word)”.

Since the definition usually doesn’t limit the field to a single word (an example of the question being asked is, “Isn’t that a bird?”), the presenter doesn’t have to guess exactly the word the guessers intended – any word described by the definition will suffice. Some modifications of the rules prohibit further questions without changing the definition (like “Isn’t that another bird?”).

If the presenter can’t think of a suitable word but another participant (or several participants) have grasped his idea, that participant (participants) says “contact” (implying that there was a mental contact) and gives up to 5 minutes or the countdown starts (e.g. from 10). If the presenter does not say the appropriate word in the countdown, the “contacting” participants say the words they implied together. If they say the same word, the leader says the next letter of the word and is given definitions of nouns beginning with the letters already mentioned. Sometimes only two of all the “contacted” words are required to match, or there is no need for more than one participant to say the word at the same time at all.

The goal of the participants is to come up with words so that the leader cannot guess what the word is, but the other participants can guess it. One possible strategy (not encouraged, though) is to guess terms from a domain in which the guessers are strong, but not the presenter.

The game ends when the players say out loud the word the presenter guessed. After that, there is usually a change of presenter (for example, to the participant who asked the deciding question).